Choosing a Filtration System for Well Water


Many homes throughout North Carolina use well water, which has unique benefits and challenges. Well water is an excellent choice for homes that are far away from a municipal water source and for homeowners who want to be self-sufficient. Plus, water from a well on your property is free.

However, well water also has some disadvantages. It can contain a significant number of impurities, some of which can be harmful to your health and unpleasant to taste. Fortunately, it’s easy to overcome these issues with the right filtration system.

Common Challenges with Well Water

Water quality can vary greatly depending on the exact location of the well. For example, if you live relatively close to an industrial site, your well water might have a high concentration of certain metals or chemicals. Environmental factors can also affect the purity of your well water.

Unlike with municipal water, you can’t just assume that the water coming out of your tap is safe and pure. If you have a well, you are the one responsible for testing the water and filtering/treating it to get rid of harmful substances. As such, it’s essential to understand the common issues with well water:

  • Sediment or rust that affects taste and color
  • Hard water minerals that build up inside pipes and appliances
  • Harmful chemicals that taste or smell unpleasant
  • Impurities that are hard to clean from sinks and tubs

If you aren’t sure about the quality of your well water, several signs can indicate a potential problem:

  • Stubborn soap scum lines in tubs and sinks
  • Mineral buildup in dishwashers and coffeemakers
  • Dingy clothes and dishes
  • Water that tastes or smells fishy, metallic, or sulfurous

If you notice any of these issues, it’s important to get your well water analyzed to understand what contaminants are causing the problems. However, it’s not always obvious when there is an issue with your well water, which is why it’s vital to test it often.

Benefits of a Whole-House Water Filter

There are two main choices for a well water filtration system: a whole-house filter or point-of-use filters. While small point-of-use filters are inexpensive and easy to install, they aren’t as efficient as whole-house filters. A whole-house filtration system offers several unique benefits:

  • Water is purified as soon as it comes into your home from the well
  • Pure water is available at every point: washing machine, dishwasher, coffeemaker, shower faucets, and exterior taps
  • There is no sediment, scale, or soap scum buildup in pipes, appliances, and tubs
  • A whole-house filter requires minimal maintenance.

If you have extremely hard well water, you may want to get a water softening system along with a whole-house filter. Together, these systems create soft, pure, great-tasting water that’s easily available throughout your entire home.

What To Look for in a Water Filtration System for Well Water

When you are choosing a filter, you need to consider the issues that are unique to well water.

Size and Flow Rate

Filtration systems come in different sizes. For example, if you have a lot of people in your household and frequently use the shower, washing machine, and kitchen faucet simultaneously, you need to make sure you choose a filtration system that can provide an adequate flow rate. If you get a system that is too small for your home, you may have to change the filter too frequently.

Type of Contaminants

Well water can contain several different types of impurities:

  • Chemicals (fluoride and chlorine)
  • Metals (lead, copper, and iron)
  • Microorganisms (E. Coli and other bacteria)
  • Sediment (small particles of dirt)

Sulfur is another common contaminant, and it can give your water an unpleasant “rotten egg” smell.

Filtration Method

There are different ways to filter water. Some systems use UV or infrared filters to kill bacteria. Activated carbon filters absorb contaminants and are particularly good at removing iron, lead, bacteria, and pesticides. If your water has a lot of heavy metals and fluoride, a reverse osmosis filter may be best. The specifications of your well will determine the best type of filtration system for your home. For example, if your well has a water holding tank, you may need a different treatment method than if you have a gravity-fed system.

Improve the Quality and Taste of Your Home’s Well Water

Well water has many benefits, but it needs an aggressive filtration system to remove the chemicals, metals, and minerals that it often contains. At Dr. Johns H2O, we have experience with a wide range of water issues, including those common in well water. We’ll help you identify the exact contaminants in your water and recommend a cost-effective and efficient filtration system. To schedule a water analysis service, call our office at (336) 560-9540 or use the form below.